#Reflection of Amal totakay

Rutab Nasir
2 min readDec 25, 2020

Amal totakay for growth mindset are life changing and life long experience for me. The best takeaway for me are self-talk , encouraging positive thinking, Getting out of your comfort zone , accepting challenges as opportunities to learn.

Replacing word failure with word learning.

Creating new habits that would help in individual growth.

They have focused on design thinking, problem solving and finding solutions to our problem.

Emphasized on team work, knowing one’s self and refining our goals.

Creating new habits, learning different learning tactics and best of all the motivational speaker videos keep us on the track.

Fear of making mistakes can lead us to avoid challenges and new experiences, which help us grow.

a person is reflection of his /her thoughts .If you think you can do this Then You Can. But if you think that you are not good enough… Your growth will remain restricted and you will never be able to come out of you comfort zone.

Amal academy is republishing and remolding our skills by engaging us in different brainstorming activities in which we are compelled to use our brain in different tasks. In the end,

“Practice makes a man Perfect”

